Jul 25, 2014
Posted on Jul 25, 2014 in Acid water is pure for the body, do not be fooled, Health Articles | Comments Off on PURE WATER,H 2 0 – ESSENTIAL FOR GOOD HEALTH
There has been a Japanese company that is promoting Alkaline water
for good health, This is because the average person’s diet is so acidic that they
thought by providing Alkaline Water that this would solve the problem. It does not!
This is the latest fad to encourage you to buy a $5,000 unit to provide you with
water to alkalinize your body, this is not true. This is a piece of junk.
This water does not remove the acids and debris from your cells and tissues,
as this electrolysis process does not destroy the micro-organisms and it is
NOT HEALTHY FOR HUMAN USE. IT Only increases the acidity and it fails to
remove the metabolic residues from the cells,
Distilled water is acid water which cleanses, purifies and provides oxygen and
the necessary work of destroying the micro-organisms keeping the body
pure and alkaline. Do not be fooled by false advertising,
Feb 26, 2014
Posted on Feb 26, 2014 in Health Articles | 7 comments
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