
BEST PROTECTION FOR SKIN Now that we are spending more time outdoors, there are precautions so that we can protect our skin. Sunshine is good medicine and the best source of Vitamin D So many shun sunshine, who fear cancer and wrinkles. but sunshine saves many more lives than it harms. The right dosage early morning and late afternoon are the best time to be exposed. which have powerful health benefits. Here are a list of plant based skin-loving foods… Avocado Walnuts Sweet potatoes Red and orange peppers Brocolli Leafy greens are the best Tomatoes Grapes and seeds Pomegranetes Mushrooms Ginger Carrots Smoothies with ginger, tumeric and carrot BEST SUNSCREENS Frankencense oil Myrrh, Lavender, carrot seed oils with almond or olive oil, one drop each on the skin will protect the skin. Best supplements, Vit A C and D Sea Buckthorn oil Best oils for building Collagen, reduces wrinkles… Neroli oil, lemon, Frankencense, carrot seed, jasmine and organic castor oil. Protect your eyes, but the eyes require light. On the computer and suffering from eye fatigue,dry eyes, try this, Steep tea bags, cool, and place on eyes for 20-30 minutes. Or, a slice of cucumber. Vitamin D is critical to the formation and maintenance of strong bones. Pain and weakness in the muscles and bones are some of the symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. Enjoy the opening of parks, the longer evenings, and the sunshine when it does shine which is crucial for good health! In the beginning of each month I order organic oils…please let me know if you need any? Stay safe and healthy during this isolation and know that I am here for you…please let me know if I can help!! Health is Wealth!! MUSIC IS THERAPY- MUSIC HEALS! MUSIC CREATES! Many Blessings to you and yours, Dr. Halanna B. Matthew

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